Monday, April 30, 2007

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Monday, April 30, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler
Life Adventurer
© 2005 All Rights Reserved

I'm about to show you how you can feel great starting
right now. Sound too good to be true? Hang in … you’ve
got a pleasant surprise coming. Let's start with what
makes us feel good. Well it’s not pain, right? So that
leaves the logical opposite -– pleasure.

"Hey," I can hear you protest. “Where's the big pleasure
button in the sky that I can push to make me feel good?
Life is not the so-called bowl of cherries."

That’s a fair question. Let’s explore it together. Remember
the last time you had a really B-I-G laugh about something?
Maybe it was a funny movie, hearing a really hilarious joke,
or some unexpected life event just tickled your funny bone.

I’m not talking about a chuckle at some lame joke. I’m talking
about downright, pxx-your-pants laughter. The kind where you
slap your thighs, double-over, and tears squirt out your eyes
because you are laughting so hard.

Now that’s laughter. And do you recall how good you felt afterwards?
Know why we feel good after laughing really hard? Because intense
laughter actually gives all of our internal organs an awesome massage.
In fact, a really good gut-twisting laugh is the equivalent of 15
minutes of intense aerobics. How about that?

But you don’t have to pay $50 to get into a comedy club to get a good
laugh (although it may be worth it at times.) I’d like to share a less
expensive approach with you, because I think all of us can use a good laugh.

Get a Good Belly Laugh
OK. Our goal is to get you into a good 5-minute belly laugh. Many of us
have had laughter conditioned right out of us. But it's OK if you have to
jumpstart your laughter with a fake laugh. Yep, it’s silly alright. But
that alone is worth a laugh.

Isn’t the promise of feeling great worth feeling a little silly? Besides,
the aerobic exercise means you can skip the exercise bike today! Right?
So go ahead and start with a fake laugh if necessary. No chuckles -– laugh
as big as you can!

Here’s where some amazing things come into action.
You know how natural it is to laugh when someone
else is laughing? That's due to a natural brain response.
Well your brain is going to respond to your own fake laughter
by producing the “laughter neurochemicals” that tell you to
laugh even more.

Hang in with your fake laughter. Very soon you’ll find you've
gone from fake to genuine laughter. And this is really worth
a good laugh!

Laughter-Based Problem Solving
Now here’s where the REAL fun comes in. In the middle of your
uproarious laughter, think about a problem or something that
is bothering you. Then go ahead and laugh about it. Remind
yourself that you have survived up to this moment, and this
too shall pass. It will, you know!

Know what you've just done? You've just conditioned your
subconscious mind into linking deep pleasure and confidence
with your ability to solve your problem. You're going to have
the pleasure of feeling your attitude toward that so-called problem
shift … helping a positive solution fall into place.

Done laughing? Pull in a couple of deep breaths and appreciate the
extra flow of oxygen into your brain. You are about to have a fabulous
day -– with stress running off of you like water off a ducks back.
Quack, quack!

There you have it! A proven-effective BRAIN-SMART SECRET of how feel great
every day for the rest of your life. Do it, and you’ll get hooked.

By the way, are you aware of the huge health benefits of laughter?
Remember Norman Cousins book “Anatomy Of An Illness” in which he described
how he laughed himself free of a so-called “terminal” illness just by
watching funny movies and laughing hard?

Interestingly, we now know that laughter stimulates the flow of lymph in
your body, and pumps huge supplies of health-giving oxygen deep down into
your lungs.

About This Technique
Dr Jill's "Smash Your Limits" ecourse is today being used by thousands of
success-seekers around the world to build their success-muscles from the
inside out. Get your copy, and bootstrap yourself up to the next level
(and get a bonus FREE month in the Quantum Brain Gym.) Click here!

The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is very much a life adventurer.
Over the years she has "been there, done that" in terms of the
uccesses (and failures) life can deliver. She long ago discovered,
and is constantly reminded, that laughter is the best medicine
(Grandma was absolutely right.)

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Tuesday, April 28, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler Date Created: 30-Oct-04

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Advisor to Top Executives
© 2004 All Rights Reserved.

If lately you're finding the tasks and responsibilities
in your work schedule more than you can bear, you may
well be approaching "burnout."

Burnout is not an imaginary condition that's "all in
your mind." It's a very real mental and physiological
condition caused by a stress overload.

Burnout arises when we're overworked, overtaxed
emotionally, or physically exhausted -- and as a result
find it increasingly difficult to cope with everyday

A common sign of burnout is loss of enthusiasm for
one's job, social life, personal relationship and
normal personal interests.

A True Burnout Story
I once had a "crisis call" from a CEO I was advising in
Silicon Valley. He had a serious problem on his hands.

Like many CEOs of growing companies, he was balancing a
heavy work load.

He wanted to increase sales, and was impressed by the
personal presentation of a senior representative of an
outside marketing organization. He signed a binding
contract for their services.

Then less that one month later, after the outside
company was all geared up and going out to his
customers, he realized he had made a critical mistake:

He had signed a contract giving the outside reps three
times the commission he was paying his own "in house"
marketing reps.

The immediate outcome: Two lawsuits totaling millions
of dollars.


Because Bob (not his real name) had been so stressed
when he signed that contract that his higher brain has
been shut down. (This is a common symptom of chronic

He told me he actually could no longer understand what
he read, and was incapable of mental focus. Bob was
gripped in an "adrenalin high" trap, and had not
realized the consequences.

The "Adrenalin High" Trap
Many executives and entrepreneurs claim they "thrive"
on stress. What they are responding to is the
physiological excitement from an "adrenalin high."

But the truth is, adrenalin highs are actually part of
the stress response that prepares your body (and mind)
to either fight or run.

What happens is that your higher thinking centers close
down, and older, more primitive portions of your brain
prepare you for emergency.

Over a period of time this leads straight to stage 2
burnout - serious mental and physical exhaustion.

And if you think YOU are immune, you're seriously
kidding yourself - just like Bob, that Silicon Valley
CEO did!

The Major Factors in Stress Overload
Stress occurs when the demands around you exceed your
capacity to meet them.

The four major factors in stress overload are:

Time pressures

Excessive responsibility or accountability

Lack of adequate support

Excessive expectations by yourself and/or those around

The Stages of Burnout
Burnout is a process that progresses through stages of
stress overload. With some self-monitoring, you have
the opportunity to take steps to stop the process. The
three stages of burnout include:

The stress arousal stage,

The low energy stage, and

The exhaustion stage.

The Stress Arousal Stage. Excess stress arousal is
accompanied by both physiological and psychological
responses. Some of the common behavioral include:
irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness, and an inability
to focus and concentrate.

Common physiological signs often include: flare-ups of
high blood pressure, bruxism (grinding teeth during
sleep), insomnia, headaches, and acute gastrointestinal

The Low Energy Stage. As your stress becomes more and
more chronic, your body tries to compensate for growing
mental and physical exhaustion. The feeling of low
energy so common with chronic stress is probably a sign
your body is trying to compensate for exhaustion by
shifting into an "energy conservation mode."

Behavior consequences often include: forgetfulness,
more serious inability to focus, excessive lateness,
procrastination, excessive time off from work, lack of
interest in your work or business, loss of hope and
enthusiasm, decreased desire for intimacy, and a
persistent feeling of tiredness or exhaustion.

Other common signs include: social withdrawal from
friends and family, cynicism, resentment, apathy and
increased substance use (nicotine, caffeine, alcohol,
prescription drugs).

The Acute Exhaustion Stage. The acute exhaustion stage
is where most people finally get a clear sense that
something is seriously wrong.

The signs of acute stress-related exhaustion often
include: chronic sadness or depression, chronic stomach
or bowel problems, chronic mental fatigue, chronic
physical fatigue, chronic headaches or migraines,
difficulty reading or understanding communications, and
almost total inability to focus.

Other common signs may include: the desire to "drop
out" of society, quit work, or abandon one's business
or profession -- and the desire to avoid family,
friends, and social situations.
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Excellence portal. It’s
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Tuesday, April 28, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler Date Created: 30-Oct-04

By Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler
Advisor to Top Executives
© 2004 All Rights Reserved.

If lately you're finding the tasks and responsibilities
in your work schedule more than you can bear, you may
well be approaching "burnout."

Burnout is not an imaginary condition that's "all in
your mind." It's a very real mental and physiological
condition caused by a stress overload.

Burnout arises when we're overworked, overtaxed
emotionally, or physically exhausted -- and as a result
find it increasingly difficult to cope with everyday

A common sign of burnout is loss of enthusiasm for
one's job, social life, personal relationship and
normal personal interests.

A True Burnout Story
I once had a "crisis call" from a CEO I was advising in
Silicon Valley. He had a serious problem on his hands.

Like many CEOs of growing companies, he was balancing a
heavy work load.

He wanted to increase sales, and was impressed by the
personal presentation of a senior representative of an
outside marketing organization. He signed a binding
contract for their services.

Then less that one month later, after the outside
company was all geared up and going out to his
customers, he realized he had made a critical mistake:

He had signed a contract giving the outside reps three
times the commission he was paying his own "in house"
marketing reps.

The immediate outcome: Two lawsuits totaling millions
of dollars.


Because Bob (not his real name) had been so stressed
when he signed that contract that his higher brain has
been shut down. (This is a common symptom of chronic

He told me he actually could no longer understand what
he read, and was incapable of mental focus. Bob was
gripped in an "adrenalin high" trap, and had not
realized the consequences.

The "Adrenalin High" Trap
Many executives and entrepreneurs claim they "thrive"
on stress. What they are responding to is the
physiological excitement from an "adrenalin high."

But the truth is, adrenalin highs are actually part of
the stress response that prepares your body (and mind)
to either fight or run.

What happens is that your higher thinking centers close
down, and older, more primitive portions of your brain
prepare you for emergency.

Over a period of time this leads straight to stage 2
burnout - serious mental and physical exhaustion.

And if you think YOU are immune, you're seriously
kidding yourself - just like Bob, that Silicon Valley
CEO did!

The Major Factors in Stress Overload
Stress occurs when the demands around you exceed your
capacity to meet them.

The four major factors in stress overload are:

Time pressures

Excessive responsibility or accountability

Lack of adequate support

Excessive expectations by yourself and/or those around

The Stages of Burnout
Burnout is a process that progresses through stages of
stress overload. With some self-monitoring, you have
the opportunity to take steps to stop the process. The
three stages of burnout include:

The stress arousal stage,

The low energy stage, and

The exhaustion stage.

The Stress Arousal Stage. Excess stress arousal is
accompanied by both physiological and psychological
responses. Some of the common behavioral include:
irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness, and an inability
to focus and concentrate.

Common physiological signs often include: flare-ups of
high blood pressure, bruxism (grinding teeth during
sleep), insomnia, headaches, and acute gastrointestinal

The Low Energy Stage. As your stress becomes more and
more chronic, your body tries to compensate for growing
mental and physical exhaustion. The feeling of low
energy so common with chronic stress is probably a sign
your body is trying to compensate for exhaustion by
shifting into an "energy conservation mode."

Behavior consequences often include: forgetfulness,
more serious inability to focus, excessive lateness,
procrastination, excessive time off from work, lack of
interest in your work or business, loss of hope and
enthusiasm, decreased desire for intimacy, and a
persistent feeling of tiredness or exhaustion.

Other common signs include: social withdrawal from
friends and family, cynicism, resentment, apathy and
increased substance use (nicotine, caffeine, alcohol,
prescription drugs).

The Acute Exhaustion Stage. The acute exhaustion stage
is where most people finally get a clear sense that
something is seriously wrong.

The signs of acute stress-related exhaustion often
include: chronic sadness or depression, chronic stomach
or bowel problems, chronic mental fatigue, chronic
physical fatigue, chronic headaches or migraines,
difficulty reading or understanding communications, and
almost total inability to focus.

Other common signs may include: the desire to "drop
out" of society, quit work, or abandon one's business
or profession -- and the desire to avoid family,
friends, and social situations.
Visit, the web’s premier Personal
Excellence portal. It’s
sizzling-unique-intelligent-inspiring! Great
self-tests, brain teasers, and mind-building original
articles. FR.EE abundance course for new ezine

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Come and Discover How to Build Your Brain!'s Home Business Report
-Friday April 27, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler
Pioneer Brain/Mind Researcher
© 2006 All Rights Reserved

Many researchers today are looking at the possibility of using of
human stem cells to repair of various organs in the human body.
And more recently, this research has begun to look toward perhaps
replacing missing and dying nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Spinal Cord Repair

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of
Technology recently used human stem cells to attempt to repair spinal
cord injuries in rats. They bridged breaks in the cord with stem cells
placed on scaffolds composed of a polymer similar to the dissolvable
suture material used by surgeons to close wounds.

The implanted stem cells, which can develop into many other cell types,
did manage to replace enough of the spinal cord cells needed for movement
to allow the rats to regain some limited ability to walk.

Brain Damage Repair

At Harvard medical School researchers implanted stem cells in mice with
brain damage. According to neurologist Evan Snyder, the stem cells rescued
the injured nerve cells of aged mice whose brains were compromised by the
equivalent of Parkinson's disease and normal aging in humans.

"If the experiments had been done in humans, it is difficult to know if we
would have gotten the same results," Snyder admits. "But I think there's a
possibility that stem cells might help re-form some of the lost connections
between cells sufficiently to promote restoration of function."

The researchers were surprised to see that stem cells not only replaced
missing brain tissue, but also provided protection for cells disabled by age.
"It's not unreasonable to think that in humans the early implantation of
stem cells might forestall or even pre-empt degenerative diseases such as
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's," Snyder says. "Perhaps, attacks by such diseases
could be made less ferocious and mild enough for patients to adapt."

The researchers implanted a scaffold full of neural stem cells – stem cells
that had already begun the process of developing into brain cells – near
the damaged brain cells.

“We observed a rich complexity of 'cross talk' between the implanted cells
and the injured brain," Snyder relates. "They exchanged signals and built
nerve-fiber connections to each other. Each changed the fate of the other
in such a way that lost brain tissue gave the appearance of being reconstitut
ed. Blood vessels even grew and the new brain tissue became nourished by
the animal's own brain."

The tissue replacement reportedly seemed spontaneous. The researchers did
not add chemicals or genes to the stem cells or to the brain, and did not
manipulate them in any way. The scaffolding degraded in about four-to-six
weeks, and the mice had no seizures, no further brain damage, and went about normal behavior patterns.

"It's not unreasonable to think about doing this with humans someday,"
Snyder says. "However, before that happens we need to know immensely more
about what the cells are doing. In the re-created parts of the brain, for
example, are there undesirable as well as beneficial connections that could
potentially make things worse?"

Can Senility be Slowed?

Another Snyder-led team reports on experiments to test whether neural stem
cells might restore disabled cells in an aging brain.

Mice were treated with chemicals to trigger the slow loss of brain function
typical of diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. About 10 percent
of the implanted cells spontaneously became new brain cells active in
producing a chemical missing in people with afflictions like Parkinson's.
But, surprisingly, most of the stem cells became “supporters” for endangered
brain cells, preventing them from dying.

"We could see areas of the brain whose function would have been lost to
disease but whose nerve cells were now alive and active," Snyder says.”We
may be seeing a process even more powerful and effective than replacement -
protection as a potent alternative or additional mechanism."

"We have obtained some compelling preliminary results," Snyder says. "If we
are successful, we might consider beginning experiments with some ALS
patients within five years. We might also consider trying stem cell therapy
on Parkinson's patients within five years.”

Other Exciting Research

Dr John Yu, an expert in stem cell technology at the Cedars-Sinai Maxine
Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute in Los Angeles, has shown that brain cells
can be made in the laboratory from bone marrow cells.

"By making neural cells in a petri dish, we may provide bone marrow cell
with the environment to be made into neurons more efficiently, thereby
allowing us to treat diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's and brain tumours.

Another team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
University of Bonn Medical Center have also shown that stem cells from early
human embryos can, in a laboratory dish, become precursor brain cells.

Transplanted into the brains of baby mice, the precursor cells subsequently
showed their ability to further differentiate into neurons and astrocytes –
the types of cell that populate the different regions of the brain and
spinal cord.

The Outlook?
At this point the research community does not agree about the potential for
replacing neural elements lost to neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, or
trauma using either embryonic or mature stem cells

But still – this early research is important for at least two reasons: One,
it establishes the fact that both embryonic and adult stem cells can be
guided down a developmental pathway to becoming brain cells. And two, it
shows that they can be transplanted into animals to further develop into
the more specific types of cells necessary for normal brain function.

But obviously, additional research is necessary to study the implications,
and the possibility that such implants will lead to normal behavior and
lasting positive effects. Come and Discover How to Build Your Brain!

(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 26, 2007's Home Business Report- Thursday, April 26, 2007Publisher: Ephran Price~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
By Director of Website Development, Sandi Hunter Date Created: 18-Feb-04
I spoke with a customer today who admittedly had missed the boat entirely on getting her website up in time for Christmas orders, but she vowed this is the year she is going to do it! She told me she simply couldn't avoid it any longer as she knew she was losing business by not offering customers the option of 24 hr online ordering. So she asked me if I could show her an example of a good ecommerce website. By ecommerce she meant a website that allows secure online ordering at the site.
The site that I offered to her and to you, as a very good example of a successful website is one owned by Pemberton Farms. Pemberton Farms sells gift baskets, gourmet goodies, food trays and more. To help you understand why this is a successful website, I have outlined the major reasons below. It is my hope that by reviewing this site you will be able to see visually the critical aspects of a website that continually generates sales.
Readers, go to this site at:
Notice the following critical elements that this site includes:
1. Professional Design. The design is simplistic but effective, quick loading, and employs a navigation style that suits the site purpose and the needs of the user.
2. Marketing Smarts. This site makes you, the prospective customer an offer in an attempt to earn your business today, or in the very near future. In doing so they motivate a sale. They have also made the offer of a free catalog. In exchange for your contact information they mail to you a product catalog and then have your contact information for follow up marketing purposes. A free newsletter is also offered on the site. A newsletter allows the site owner to stay in regular contact with both customers and prospective customers with special offers, savings, coupons and more. A newsletter is one of the most powerful aspects of online marketing to earn new, and repeat business as well as website traffic.
3. Consumer Needs . This site has thought of every potential question that prospective customers might have about shipping times, shipping prices, taxes, guarantees and other customer service items. They have located all of this information on the site with simply one click access. This is very wise as it helps build consumer confidence that this business is experienced, reputable and committed to customer care.
4. Complete contact and easy order information . On this site is is very easy to contact the company or place an order. We all like simple and easy, nothing complicated or time consuming. This site does a very good job of keeping this vital information easy to find. The security aspect is emphasized for online orders, but for anyone shy of online ordering, an 800 number is also available.
5. Product Display. Your website is your online store. Accordingly, if you are selling products they MUST be professionally and attractively displayed. It is a requirement that any photos used be of excellent quality, catalogued, and thumbnailed for quick load with the option to enlarge. Descriptions of the products must be well written and complete with enticing details. Customers must be made assurances about site security when placing an online order.
6. Customer Account Status: This website also includes a My Account Section . This is an example of a dbase in action! Many of our readers ask what a database application is on a website, so here is one example. Not every website will need or have use for a Customer Account Status, but if appropriate it does offer many advantages. It gives your customers the convenience of finger tip access to their order information. This accessability saves your customer time, and it saves company staff answering questions from customer by email and by phone about the status of their order.
The only suggestion I have to improve upon this site design, is that it could have included testimonials from customers/recipients who expressed satisfaction about their order . When words of praise for a company or product are expressed by a happy customer it can be very powerful and adds to the confidence of prospective buyers.
If you are considering putting your products or services online for sale, take heed of these points and be on your way to your own successful site!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Author:
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit.comGet Sandi's latest Ebook FREE!It's called DesignProfit: Everything You need to Know To Create A Website That sells!Download at Or call Sandi at 780-444-7477 ext 221 M - F, 9 - 3 pm MST.
Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.
Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer
Email: ephranprice@gmail.comURL: 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How To Get Higher Converting MLM Leads For Less

How To Get Higher Converting MLM Leads For Less
by: Don Luttrull

If you are involved in an mlm or network marketing business then you probably have tried to find the best ways online as well as offline to get qualified people either to your website or to the companies website. There are many different ways to find qualified people who are actually looking right now at starting a home based business.

The thing that you first need to realize is that most people who are looking for a home based business are not actually realizing what it is they are looking for and for the most part are simply getting some answers. These types of people are the non targeted leads that you will find being sold by countless mlm lead companies online.

These types of mlm leads for one have a terrible conversion rate and also end up putting your excited mood into one that makes you start second guessing yourself and possibly the opportunity you are marketing. What is needs to not only help you build a successful mlm business as well as the right mindset to succeed is actual quality mlm leads from an actually mlm leads company with proven results.

If you were looking to compare mlm lead companies odds are you would start possibly with your sponsor or upline in the business you are currently marketing and this method is actually not the best method at all. What will end up happening is your upline simply trying to get a commission or a bonus off of you by sending them to one of the low converting mlm lead companies.

You may take the above statement as being rude or labeling all sponsors but in all honesty most people in mlm and network marketing companies are following the same pack of people barely making any real income. What you need to do is set yourself apart from the pack and become a leader in your company.

If your sponsor in your company and or business is trying his or her best to teach you the correct methods on building your business but has not actually seen any real success themselves then you need to find a new method in which to build your business. Mlm is mainly duplication of a proven method and if your sponsor is not seeing the large monthly income then that is something that I personally would not try and duplicate.

With all the many different ways to get mlm leads which can be done with pay per click accounts and even door to door methods there is one truly proven method that has the highest conversion ratio as long as it is done correctly.

You need to find a mlm lead company that not only has proven results but also offers you a residual income that will actually end up paying for your leads as your downline signs up under you for the leads also. There are only a small handful of mlm lead companies that are even worth comparing and sometimes they can be hard to sift through. Most mlm lead companies are selling leads that have been sold 1,000 times already and will not convert for nothing.

What you should do if you are actually looking to build a solid mlm business is to research and compare mlm lead companies. You need to look for a company that allows you to buy at minimum 72 hour fresh leads. Along with being extremely fresh you also need to find a mlm lead company that actually offers a monthly residual income plan. Having a matrix payout plan attached to a solid mlm lead company can actually end up paying out more then your mlm company is paying you.

Remember also when researching and checking the many mlm lead companies out there that you will most usually get what you pay for. Any company offering you 1,000 fresh leads a day for $20 is nothing but a scam style company and will end up giving you a very bad name in the mlm community. Find a company that has been proven successful and has mlm leads that are actually converting into real mlm sign ups and sales.

About The Author

Don Luttrull runs a MLM lead comparision site. MLM and Network Marketers vote on which mlm leads company has the best conversion ratios and those companies are then ranked. To see who they have voted for go here

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Join Thousands Worldwide Getting The Internet Training They Need At NO चार्ज!'s Home Business Report
- Sunday, April 24, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

1. Feature Article - Join Thousands Worldwide Getting The Internet Training They Need At NO Charge!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Right this minute thousands of people worldwide are being trained by seasoned Internet professionals in the essentials of how to profit online. They're getting over 1000 hours of detailed step-by-step training and they're not paying a penny for it. How does that sound to you? You're trained by experts to succeed online and it doesn't cost you anything.

This marvel is the Free Associate Program offered by well-known Internet company Worldprofit which since 1994 has been helping businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs worldwide with domain hosting, custom web design and a line of low-cost, easy-to-use, no-software-to-download video products.

More recently, they turned their attention to online affiliate programs. Why had so many MILLIONS of people failed in them? In their usual meticulous, scientific fashion the folks at Worldprofit scrutinized these programs, looking for why people failed. Then they took everything they learned and created the most amazing online program ever -- not least because it doesn't cost you a penny. It's the Worldprofit Associate Program.

Look at everything you get -- F R E E!

* Over 1,000 hours of training and instruction a year from real Millionaires.

In both Millionaire Bootcamp and Millionaire Mentoring you learn exactly how to make money online.

These programs are delivered by experienced instructors who are making money online, including self-made millionaires. You can access all programs online, both live and in video, at home with no special equipment. Programs take place every day and are geared to people who have no prior Internet success or experience. They teach you exactly how to make money online now.

What do you think over 1,000 hours of such professional, specific, step-by-step money-making training would cost? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands? Or even more? YOU get it all F R E E as a Worldprofit Associate.

* Your own self-replicating website.

This site has been developed by web experts and is a proven money-maker. You get it free!

Your website has your unique Worldprofit Associate number on it. Every time someone buys from your site, you get a 5% sales commission. These commissions add up fast because people and businesses worldwide want what Worldprofit sells.

* Marketing materials that deliver your customers.

We give you proven marketing materials, written by an internationally known copywriter, to get the customers you need.

These materials -- and everything else you need to succeed -- are located in the Worldprofit Dealer Area. No company on earth has gone further than Worldprofit to think through exactly what you need -- and make it easily available.

* Sign Up Unlimited Associates Under You

The more people you have working for you, the more money you make. Worldprofit enables you to easily recruit an UNLIMITED number of Associates under you and generate more and more money. Cost for this amazing system? Absolutely nothing! It's NO CHARGE!.

**** There's Even More! Daily Associate Newsletter

Packed with invaluable information -- and specific action steps -- all about how to make money online every single day. Exclusively available to Worldprofit Associates.

To get started right now, all you have to do is SIGN UP HERE

Once you've signed up all you have to do is log in to the Worldprofit Associate Area and follow the simple, easy instructions. You can start making money TODAY!
Newsletter Archive - Past Issues

Ephran Price, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant

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Sunday, April 22, 2007


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Sunday, April 22, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price


Get this $19.95 book by 15-time author Dr. Jeffrey
Lant FREE & learn how to profit online now!

If you're like hundreds of millions of people
worldwide, you're longing to find a way to stay
home and use the Internet to make money. Good for
you. What you've been waiting is contained in a
new book by best-selling business author Dr. Jeffrey

You may know him as the author of some of the best-
known and most influential business and marketing
books ever written. Tens of thousands of people
worldwide have come to depend on Dr. Lant's unique
brand of practical, no-nonsense business-building

Now, in his 15th book, he has provided just the
information you and millions like you need to create
a profitable part- or full-time business at home

This book is E-MONEY!:
The Complete Guide To Using The Internet To Profit
At Home NOW!

In 10 meaty, easy-to-read chapters you learn precisely
what you need to do to create the home business you want.
Like all Dr. Lant's books, this one is a smart and specific
blueprint for success.

Unlike Dr. Lant's other books, however, you can get a
copy of E-MONEY! FREE just by going to

That's right! This incredible $19.95 book, written by
one of the most well-known and well-respected business
authorities on this planet, is yours FREE for a limited
time! It's a book you will profit from now and for years to
come -- just like all Dr. Lant's books!

Go get your FREE copy now at


Then get this important report to help you get the online success
you want:


Get this incredible New Report By Dr. Jeffrey Lant


The Complete Idiot's Guide To Online Success,
Or How You Can Succeed On The Internet Even
If You Are The World's WORST Salesperson!

Stop failing online! Stop investing your time and money
in companies which do not have a success model!
Stop floundering! The help you need is right here and it's FREE!

To get your copy NOW, with
IDIOT'S GUIDE in subject, along with your name, address, phone.

Don't wait to succeed online. One of the world's best-known
marketers -- DR. JEFFREY LANT -- is willing to GIVE you the
exact information you need to succeed.

Find out how I can help you profit online even if you are the
WORST salesperson in the world.
Read about me in the Cover Story of the December issue of
HOME BUSINESS MAGAZINE. Topic: home based multi-millionaires
The story is posted at

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Become A Certified eBusiness Consultant In Just 60 Days From Home

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s GUIDE TO SUCCESS ON THE INTERNET
- Friday, April 20, 2007
PLUS.. Daily Tips, Internet Articles, and Much More!
Visit to Register
Publisher: Ephran Price

Become A Certified eBusiness Consultant In Just 60 Days From Home

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Warning: Without question, this may be the most
important article you ever read about how to
profit online. Read it! Print it out! Then go to and register for Worldprofit's
Millionaire Bootcamp and Certified eBusiness
Consultant Program today.

Folks, I saw this bumper sticker the other day:
'If you think education is expensive, consider the
alternative.' Exactly.

As a man with 1 undergraduate and 3 graduate
degrees myself, I am one of the millions of
professionals who understands that lifelong
learning and instruction are crucial for the
most successful life. That's why I'm thrilled about
both the online training program and professional
designation being offered by well-known Internet
company Worldprofit.

Worldprofit has been an online innovator since
1994; they have, for instance, been in the forefront
of developing Internet interactivity and webcasting
without software download for businesses and
entrepreneurs worldwide.

Like Steve Jobs at Apple, however, Worldprofit
doesn't believe in just inventing software. Instead
it focuses on training people to use software and,
in the process, make guaranteed online profits.

The folks at Worldprofit point to the undeniable
fact that millions of people have failed and
continue to fail online because they have never
had a single moment's professional training in
the tools they need, how to use them, and how
to make consistent online profit. As a result,
failure is certain.

Enter Millionaire Bootcamp And The Certified
eBusiness Consultant Designation

To solve this problem, in 2005 Worldprofit Co-Founder
and Chief Technology Officer George Kosch set up
Worldprofit's Millionaire Bootcamp program.
The purpose of the program is to take people
at any level of online proficiency -- especially
people who have had no Internet success whatsoever --
and give them professional instruction in how to
make guaranteed online profits.

All anyone needs to participate in Millionaire
Bootcamp is an internet connection. Millionaire
Bootcamp instruction is given live weekly by
George Kosch. Each interactive presentation is about
60 minutes in lenth and is simultaneously recorded
and posted online for easy 24/7 access by anyone
anywhere in the world.

Participants learn what the Internet is, how the
Internet works, the tools you need to grow a
business and profit online, and how to master the
tools for guaranteed online success. The program
is not just lectures and presentations. Instead it
is based on one simple principle: 'learn and do.'
You learn what to do and then, under Kosch's expert
guidance, you go out and implement what you learned.

Very importantly, participants can get DAILY
feed-back on their performance and what they need
to do to improve. To get this feed-back they simply
click one link to get their 'Millionaire Bootcamp
Report Card', a detailed look at how they're doing.
You can imagine how valuable this expert DAILY feed-back
is for your success.

100% Of Participants Make Money Online Even Before
They Graduate

Due to the way this unique online success program
is structured, participants are making money even
before they graduate. This total level of success is
guaranteed by Worldprofit.

How long does it take to graduate and become a
Certified eBusiness Consultant (CEC)? Millionaire Bootcamp
is self-paced, with most CECs graduating within 60-90

Says Millionaire Bootcamp creator George Kosch:
'This program offers the professional instruction in
profiting online that has until now been conspicuously
absent. Even the greenest newbie, who has never
experienced any success online, can register free today
and be 100% assured of making money online guaranteed.
We give them not only detailed, step-by-step instuction
but also DAILY feed-back and support for certain success.'

Register F R E E for Millionaire Bootcamp and get
started today becoming a Certified eBusiness Consultant.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


==> Talk To Me Live...Ring For Service! New Technology!!!

==> Live Daily Webcasts on all of our products and services PLUS
recorded presentations on everything we have!

==> No Charge Membership

==> For Immediate Needs: Call Me 502-473-1313

(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Generate Extra Income Working From Home

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s GUIDE TO PROFITING ON THE INTERNET
- Thursday, April 19, 2007
PLUS..Daily Tips, Internet Articles, and Much More!
Publisher: Ephran Price

Generate Extra Income Working From Home

The key is cutting-edge instruction.
The Worldprofit Millionaire Bootcamp gives
it to you free!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Millions of people worldwide love the idea of
working online at home. It sounds great avoiding
the 9-to-5 rat race, the daily stress of commuting,
not to mention the boss!

Problem is, the overwhelming majority of people
working at home have never had even an hour's
instruction about what to do and how to do it
to get the success they want. Net result: mass failure.

Now Worldprofit, Inc., well known as the inventor
of key Internet business tools since 1993, has
taken up the challenge of helping home business
professionals, including business opportunity
seekers and network marketers, learn what they
need to do to profit online -- and then make sure
they do it right!

Worldprofit has created the Millionaire Bootcamp,
the Internet's first detailed hands-on, individualized,
interactive training course dedicated to making
sure participants know exactly what to do to make
at least $100,000 every year online.

The course, developed by Worldprofit Co-Founder
and self-made Internet millionaire George Kosch,
Chief Technology Officer, offers a scientific
approach to the business of building a profitable
online business.

Kosch has identified 7 key steps that all
successful business people online must master.
First he instructs participants in what they
are. Then, working with them individually in
both live and recorded presentations, he
oversees their progress, advancing them through
the course as their success warrants.

Because the course is offered via webcasting,
people worldwide can participate right from
the comfort of home or office.

Participation In The Millionaire Bootcamp Is
Free For a Limited Time.

The folks at Worldprofit have been concerned
for some time about the mass failure of home
business professionals. A recent survey of
29,000 such professionals attempting to create
online home businesses discovered that
fully 26,000 of them failed -- a staggering
failure rate.

To reserve your place in the Millionaire Bootcamp register here

Looking for a home business? Be sure to ask
about Worldprofit's business opportunity, offering
a wide range of Internet services for businesses
worldwide. A complimentary video is available upon

Have a great week
Ephran Price, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant

==> Call me at 502-473-1313
==> Email me at
==> Visit my online office at
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room

(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Designed For Success. Millionaire Design Maven Sandi Hunter Shares Everything She Knows's Newsletter Wednesday 18 April 2007

Today's Issue Includes

1. Feature Article - Designed For Success. Millionaire Design Maven Sandi Hunter Shares Everything She Knows
2. Article Archive
Feature Article

Designed For Success. Millionaire Design Maven Sandi Hunter Shares Everything She Knows
Sandi Hunter

Here's another in our series all about key people online who can help you profit day after day. Today we're lucky to interview design expert Sandi Hunter. Sandi is not only one of the top website designers on earth; she's also a self-made Internet multi-millionaire who knows what your business needs to grow and increase your fortune. She has either designed or overseen the design of thousands of business and organizational websites.

We sat down with Sandi in her Edmonton, Alberta office where emails poured in, the phone never stopped ringing and where, just feet away, her team of hand-picked and personally trained web designers was hard at work helping people like -- you.

Q: Sandi, quite obviously your design business is booming. What's the secret?

A: The first secret is a strict focus on what each of our custom design customers is trying to achieve online. The most important marketing tool you've got is your ears. Too many marketers figure that if they're doing all the talking to customers they're doing the right thing. Personally, I regard my job as listening carefully - to what they want, what they don't want, what they're trying to achieve, when they want it, and their budget. There's an old saying, 'God gave us two ears and one mouth to listen more than we talk.'

Q: Good point. Let's get down to some specifics about websites that deliver profits and what you recommend.

A: Right. I'm going to start with the revolutionary transformation going on right now online. When I started online in 1993 websites were flat and one dimensional; they were places were people just posted information. We used to joke about 'post it and they will buy' websites. This kind of website -- which way too many businesses and organizations still have -- is outmoded.

These days smart online entrepreneurs want an interactive business and communications center. The key to producing sites like this is the cutting- edge use of video and webcasting.

My company, Worldprofit, is an industry leader in producing video and webcasting. Say you want to have meetings with prospects and customers online. You'll want an Instant Meeting Room. With it you can meet with 1 or dozens of people simultaneously. There is no cost for any of them to attend the meeting, wherever they are on earth.

If they have a webcam (most people do these days), you can bring them on screen and talk to them face-to- face. You can also record all your meetings, turn them into links and put the links in emails, in ezines, on your website, etc. This dramatically improves efficiency and productivity.

The key, you see, to the successful website of the future is interactivity.

Q: I can see that, Sandi. What are some other cutting- edge tools?

A: In two words 'searchable databases'.

More and more businesses worldwide are discovering that the Internet is a superb place to do serious business. In the process they're learning about the incredible value of searchable databases to their overall efficiency and success.

There are really 2 different kinds of searchable databases, what I call public and private.

For a good illustration of a 'public' searchable database visit Amazon relies on a searchable database to make it easy for people worldwide to access all their thousands of products from a personal computer.

A: 'private' searchable database is just that -- private. It contains easy-to-update (generally pass-word protected) information on inventory, customers, and important company records of every kind.

Q: Sandi, I understand that you've put down everything anyone needs to know about website design, including details about video, searchable databases and more in a definitive new course entitled MILLIONAIRE MENTORING MAGIC..

A: Yes, I have. I teamed up with two of the best and brightest online entrepreneurs in the world, tech expert and inventor George Kosch and master marketer Dr. Jeffrey Lant to produce what every business and entrepreneur needs to make a million dollars or more online. It contains EVERYTHING we -- 3 self-made net multi-millionaires -- know about online success.

For complete details check out, MILLIONAIRE MENTORING MAGIC.

Q: Thanks, Sandi. We'll be back to pick that fine mind of yours again real soon.

A: My pleasure!
Newsletter Archive - Past Issues

Ephran Price, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant

==> Call me at 502-473-1313
==> Email me at
==> Visit my online office at
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room

Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How long will you tolerate your continuing online failure when the help you need is right HERE?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price
How long will you tolerate your continuing online
failure when the help you need is right HERE?

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

A while back I was in Las Vegas giving a speech at
a convention. I had an early plane to catch back to
Boston, so I had to leave the hotel at 6 a.m. As I
did so, I had to walk through the hotel's casino.
There, at 6 in the morning mind you, on a week-day
the place was packed, mostly with senior citizens.

I'll never forget what I saw. Tired, rumpled, zombie-
eyed folks pumping money into slot machines in a futile
attempt to 'get rich.' I felt sick to my stomach
witnessing such pathetic wastefulness.

These days, I see the same wastefulness occurring with
millions of people worldwide trying to profit online.
They seem to think the whole Internet is some giant
slot machine; that if they sit at their computers long
enough and throw enough money at it, they'll somehow
'get rich.'

I'm here to tell you nothing could be further from
the truth and to show you exactly how to make consistent
online profits. Here's what you've got to do...

You Fail Because You Don't Know How To Succeed

So, how much do you actually know about the Internet,
how it works, the tools you need, and what you need
to do every single day to succeed online?

Here's the truth: billions of dollars change hands
regularly on the 'net. The number of new 'net millionaires
continues to go up at an electrifying pace while
others make consistent good money. Collectively, these are
the folks who have studied the 'net and who know what they're

You're NOT in that category, because you have had
exactly NO professional training and instruction. Your
lack of such training has destroyed any chance of
online success. Dabbling is no substitute for systematic,
methodical online instruction.

What should you do? Get trained now! My recommendation is
to get what you need from Since 1994 they've
trained tens of thousands of folks worldwide in how the 'net
works and how to make daily profit. Best of all, their
unsurpassed training is FREE. To get it, just register

As soon as you've registered, log in and get started.
There's no time like the present to change those costly
bad habits of yours.

There Are Key Tools You Need To Succeed

Your training will, among other key information,
explain how the 'net works, the tools you need and
how to use them. These tools include:

1) Your own website address.
The ONLY people succeeding online have a domain, their
own website property. There are NO exceptions to this.
Merely having a self-replicating site/address won't do.
The domain is something you OWN. It allows for infinite
expansion, which means you can add as many products/
opportunities to it as you like. You can't do that with
a self-replicating website; in fact, you cannot make
any changes at all to such a site. That's certainly NOT
what you want!

2) The ability to edit your site. The longer you're on
the 'net the more changes you'll want to make to your
site. You need content management to make these changes
quickly and easily. Do you have it now? With content
management, you determine what you want on your site and
you add (or delete) it efficiently. Content management
enables you to keep your website up-to-date ALL the time.

3) A site that generates leads. One of the most important
things your site must do is to generate a steady stream
of prospect leads, people you'll eventually sell to.
The most profitable websites in the world are the ones
where generating prospect leads is the focus of the
site. How many ways do you have to generate leads on
your current site? How many leads do you get every single

4) A site that helps you track, organize and follow up
those leads. Why do people buy? First because you
have attractive products/services at competitive prices;
second because you provide well-organized follow-up.
Do you have the necessary tools you need? Generating
leads is obviously important, but having the ability to
track, organize and follow up with them is crucial. How
are you currently doing that every single day?

5) Individual tools for promoting your business,
building your business, and getting traffic to your
website. These tasks are crucial for your success.
When we review home-based entrepreneurs failing online,
it's no surprise to discover that they don't have
the necessary tools and, as such, are letting these
crucial tasks go undone. Every day you need to promote
your business, build your business, and increase
site traffic. Do you have an organized system for doing
that now?

Get Going NOW!

The longer you have been on the 'net without profit,
the faster you should grab this opportunity to master
it with professional, methodical instruction. If you read
this report and do nothing, you'll be like those sad,
lost folks in the casino, throwing good money after bad.
That's the sure way to failure and despair.

However if you're smart, your success online can start
today. Simply register for free and
log in. You'll get the training and tools you need for success
so you can start profiting consistently, every single day.

Don't wait! Worldprofit and its unique Affiliate Center have
made getting Multiple Income Streams a breeze. If getting dozens
of checks every month appeals to you, be sure to attend the
free informative webcast today.

If you can't come to the live webcast, register and watch the recorded

***** About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the world's
best-known marketers. To attend his online money- and
business-building webcasts free, register here.

For complete details, register here and attend today's live webcast.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 13, 2007

How to use webcasting to recruit, train and sell more.

Friday 13 April 2007

Attention Network Marketers: How to use webcasting to recruit, train and sell more.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

When I started in MLM over 20 years ago recruiting, training, and selling were arduous. You had to do things like hold regular meetings (the motel rooms always smelled), use 'warm' marketing to recruit family and friends, even mail out expensive audio cassettes in packages which often cost up to $10 each. Yikes!

But, mama, things are sure different today!

Today you can work 100% from home and easily reach all your prospects and distributors online -- all thanks to the magic of webcasting. It's a whole -- and more profitable -- world out there, and it's time you were benefiting from it!

What's Webcasting Anyway?

With webcasting

* speak live to up to 150 people at a time without your guests ever having to download software or pay one red cent to attend. Just think what this will do for your recruiting and training.

* in addition to live meetings, you can also record each and every meeting, so that people who cannot attend will NEVER miss your valuable messages.

* you can post recorded messages in an area where people can access them for free -- or for a fee, however you like. When you've finished recording, each program gets a link. This link can be used in your stationery file, in newsletters, on your website, wherever you want to post it! To get your message, people just click on the link. This gives your important messages real impact and longevity.

Want to talk LIVE to a prospect or distributor? If the person you wish to speak to has a webcam (very common these days), you can bring her on screen and talk face-to-face. If this person doesn't have a webcam, no problem. He can type in his remarks and question; you can respond live on screen!

Use Audio, Too!

Having a 'bad hair day'? Still want to get an important message out to the independent distributors in your organization or prospects you want to close? No problem!

Record in your pj's -- no one will ever know. Record messages of any length. When you're finished you'll get a link you can post anywhere you like -- for instance emailing out to every single person you want to hear what you've said.

Webcasting Is The Future Of The Net

Personally, I use webcasting every single day. I love what it does for business growth and profits. It enables me to get my message out to people worldwide who never have to download software or leave the comfort of their home to get the message (live or recorded) I want them to have. We've come a long way, baby, from the days when I anxiously waited to see whether anyone would show up for that motel meeting! Come to one of my online meetings (details below), and I'll show you what I mean.

With its ease, efficiently, outreach and power, it's easy to see why webcasting is the future of the internet. It makes your website interactive and gives you literally cosmic reach. As a result, it's no surprise that network marketers and those with any business opportunity to grow are flocking to webcasting. As I can personally attest, they LOVE the benefits it delivers every single day.

Learn More About What Webcasting Can Do For You

Learn more and see a demo, by completing our online form

You'll get information on your interactive video and audio options, including free demos. Want to see how Dr. Lant uses webcasting and get some great ideas on how you can profit from it, too? Once you've completed the form at you'll be sent details on the next live webcast; also where to get recorded webcasts packed with detailed information on how to grow your network marketing or business opportunity. Within minutes from now, you can start profiting from webcasting. Yes, MINUTES!

***** About The Author

Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the best-known marketers in the world.

You're Invited on Saturday April 14, 2007 to a LIVE WEBCAST PRESENTATION called, 'Stay home and profit!'
Show Time: 9:30 AM Pacific - 10:30 AM Mountain - 11:30 AM Central - 12:30 PM Eastern

Our Speaker will be: Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Like millions of people worldwide you want to stay home and make money, either full- or part-time. That's why you MUST attend this fast-moving, info-packed program. NEVER has staying home and profiting been easier. Come see for yourself! The MINUTE you read this, IMMEDIATELY LOG IN and see Worldprofit's awesome LIVE Business Center! This is where we close deals for YOU!

To see this webcast and many more - WATCH WEBCAST HERE

Newsletter Archive - Past Issues

Ephran Price, President & Worldprofit Consultant

==> Call me at 502-473-1313
==> Email me at
==> Visit my online office at
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room

Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Monday, April 9, 2007

The Secret To Business Success Is Follow Up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Monday, April 09, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price
The Secret To Business Success Is Follow Up.
What's The Secret To Follow Up? Find Out Here!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

You want to build a successful online business? Want
to get REALLY rich? The secret's right here in this
important article.

Think about the last time you bought something.
Was it the first time you heard about the product?
The company selling it? Or had you heard about both
over and over again, until you finally decided to
move and buy?

The fact is, professional marketers confirm that people
have to hear about an item AT LEAST 7 TIMES before they
remember it and get excited about getting it. AT LEAST
7 times.

So, this being the case systematic follow-up is
absolutely crucial to getting rich in business. The
big question, however, is how do you handle systematic
follow-up to deliver the result you want -- one sale
after another? Read on, I'm about to tell you...

The Crucial Significance Of The Autoresponder

What I'm about to share with you can ONLY happen online.
It's one of the key variables that makes the Internet
a dream environment to do business and make money. This
jewel is the sequential autoresponder, and if you
don't have yours yet you're in for a treat that's going
to explode your bank balance and send your Internet
results through the roof.

In a nutshell, an autoresponder is a follow-up machine.
It enables you to hit your prospects as often as you
like with as many follow up messages as you like --
automatically. Here's an example.

You're selling a product.

Your prospect asks you for information on this product.
You email this information using the autoresponder.

(If the prospect buys, the autoresponder stops. But
if the prospect doesn't buy...)

Next day your autoresponder system emails a follow-
up message, perhaps pointing out key advantages of
the product in question and maybe making a special
offer for immediate purchase.

(No response from the prospect.)

48 hours later (or WHENEVER you determine) the autoresponder
emails another follow up message, maybe just a re-prise of
Message 2 above.

This process can continue as long as you want, until
such time as either the prospect buys (increasingly
likely due to your professional, systematic follow-up)
or the sequence of follow-up messages comes to a
pre-determined end.

How much of your time does this wonder system take?
Just what it takes for you to create your initial and
all subsequent prospect follow-up messages. Create
them once, use them forever, update whenever you want.
The autoresponder system does the work. The autoresponder
is the ultimate way to deliver information and to provide
automated, systematic, NO EFFORT FOR YOU follow-up.

Another Great Use For Your Autoresponder System

The Internet is all about communicating information to
interested folks worldwide. The autoresponder helps
by enabling you to create courses and training programs
and effortlessly deliver the lessons. Say you operate
a diabetic support organization. You could create a 10-
lesson program offering quick, easy diabetic recipes
and blood sugar control information. Or, if you're a
realtor you could create an information sequence on
how to prepare your house for prompt sale. You could
include follow-up details with every lesson!

The autoresponder is an incredible way easily to
disseminate important information in bite-sized bits.

The Bigger Your Business Gets The More Grateful You'll
Be To Your Unlimited Autoresponder System

As your business grows you MUST have a system for
efficiently, automatically contacting and following up
with your prospects. The autoresponder is that system.
Once you've got it, you'll wonder how you ever lived
without it.

For complete details, register here and attend today's live webcast.
You'll get further information about
autoresponders and step-by-step details about how to
consistently profit online. Come see!

If you've been wondering how the richest and most
successful folks online got that way, you can be
sure using autoresponders figures in their histories.
That's why you need to start using yours today!

If you can't come to the live webcast, register and watch the recorded version.

***** About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is one of the world's
best-known marketers. To attend his online money- and
business-building webcasts free, register here.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.


Technorati Profile

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Everyone who's making money online has got excellent site traffic.

Everyone who's making money online has got
excellent site traffic.

Now Worldprofit, one of the world's best known
online companies since 1994, is GIVING away
free traffic for your website -- every single day.

Yes, thanks to a VERY special promotion, now
you can increase your website traffic every single
day without spending a single penny!


Just click here
and put a banner in the World Banner Exchange FREE!

Your banner ad will immediately start appearing
on tens of thousands of websites worldwide. As people
click on it, they'll go to your website, increasing
your traffic every single day -- without costing you
a thing!

Don't have a banner? No problem at all!
When you join our exchange program
you'll find dozens of animated and non-animated
banners to enter into the banner exchange FREE!

Banner exchanges are one of the smartest ways to
increase the traffic on your website -- without
doing anything! Once your banner's in the system it
will automatically generate traffic and leads for years
to come -- absolutely FREE!

Want to enter multiple banners into our system FREE?
Again, no problem! Click here, get started now, and
watch your site traffic and prospect leads EXPLODE!

Click here and get UNLIMITED classified advertising F-R-E-E -- whatever you're selling!

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


==> Live Daily Webcasts on all of our products and services PLUS
recorded presentations on everything we have!

==> No Charge Membership

==> For Immediate Needs: Call Me 502-473-1313

(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Personal Development and The Real Secret

Happy Easter to you and yours. It is truly a time
of renewal and an opportunity to restart out paths to
self-realization and fulfillment on all levels of life.

Now for some more free videos that may just help....

1. Personal Development

This page gives you access to the first seven days of
The Course in Mastery. If its not for you please feel free
to share it with anyone who might be able to benefit from
some good old fashioned motivational messages from some real
masters. There is absolutely nothing for sale or any
commercial links on the page what-so-ever.

2. Insights on The Secret

I am sure you have heard all the hype about The Secret. I
have even sent out some stuff extolling its virtues.

I watched it a couple of times but I was always left with
an unsure feeling about it. I felt there must be more as
there are lots of people who think about a better life but
it just doesn't manifest they way they suggest it will.

I then heard that there was a sequel in the works and was
not surprized. Personally I don't think I will purchase it
as I think the insights shared by Mark Hendricks on this
little instructional video say it all. Have a look and
let me know what you think if get a chance.

Again there is zero promotional links or forms to fill,
just some great food for thought.

Thanks for you time and best regards,

Be Blessed


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s GUIDE TO PROFITING ON THE INTERNET
- Sunday, April 08, 2007
PLUS..Daily Tips, Internet Articles, and Much More!
Publisher: Ephran Price

Lights! Camera! Money!

If you're running any web business, especially
home-based, MLM, or business opportunity, it's
time for you to profit from webcasting!

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant

The Internet is evolving into an environment
where we can all talk to each other live and in
living color. That's very good news for business.

For the first decade of it's life, the Internet
was flat, passive, and one-dimensional. You
couldn't talk to anyone live online and they
couldn't talk to you. This made such must-do
tasks as training and customer service difficult,
if not impossible.

Not any more!

Now, thanks to rapid advances online which have
dropped prices and improved services, it's
possible for even the smallest home business on
earth to afford the ability to webcast. This
changes everything!

Now if you're running an MLM or business opportunity,
you can host a meeting of up to 150 people live,
while simultaneously recording the event. When
you're done recording, just click a single button,
creating a link you can then email to folks who
weren't able to attend. All of a sudden, you can reach
far more people, in a far more impacting way.

What do you need to make this happen? Just
low-priced webcast services and a webcam; (there
are many to choose from, but at about $35-40
the Logitech Quick Cam Messenger is inexpensive
and reliable.)

A great company to check out for its high-quality,
very attractively priced webcast services is
Worldprofit, Inc., well known online since 1993.

Worldprofit has specialized in creating quick,
easy, inexpensive webcast services most of which
can be up and running within 5 MINUTES. No kidding!

Worldprofit has a line of webcast services that
enable you to speak live to 15, 50 or up to 150
people at a time in your own online meeting room.
All come with an easy recording function, too.

Worldprofit even has an 'Instant Video Recording
Studio' that gives you up to 10 hours of video
recording time monthly. Sit down in front of your
webcam, do a promo about one of your products or
services. When you've finished what you have to
say, click stop, then click another button to
create a link that you can email to folks worldwide.
Amazing! Now you can easily reach the people you
want to hear your message, even if they number in
the millions!

When you've got these terrific webcast services,
you can talk direct to your prospects, customers
and distributors worldwide. It'll never cost
them a penny and will enable you to answer
questions, handle customer service, and, of course,
make deals. It also enables you to provide
essential training and both live and recorded

Studies are now constantly being released showing
that webcasting increases customer satisfaction
and sales, and it's easy to see why. Webcasting
makes it fast and easy to communicate worldwide!

To see these amazing, attractively priced webcast
services for yourself, just register here

Have a great week
Ephran Price, Worldprofit Dealer/Consultant

==> Call me at 502-473-1313
==> Email me at
==> Visit my online office at
==> Questions? Meet me LIVE in my Video Conference Room

(C) 2007 All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 6, 2007

AGLOCO...The Next Big Thing!

I recently joined AGLOCO because
of a friend recommended it to me.
I am now promoting it to you because
I like the idea and I want you to
share in what I think will be an
exciting new Internet concept.

AGLOCO’s story is simple:

Do you realize how valuable you are?
Advertisers, search providers and
online retailers are paying billions
to reach you while you surf.
How much of that money are you making? NONE!

AGLOCO thinks you deserve a piece of the action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies
on behalf of its members. (For example, Google
currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google
search by an AOL user. And Google still has
enough profit to pay $1.6 billion dollars for
YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content
that YouTube’s users did not get paid for!

AGLOCO will work to get its Members their
share of this and more.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online
community that they call an Economic Network.
They are not only paying Members their fair
share, but they’re building a community
that will generate the kind of fortune
that YouTube made.

But instead of that wealth making only
a few people rich, the entire community
will get its share.

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware,
no pop-ups and no spam - membership and
software are free and AGLOCO is 100%
member owned. Privacy is a core value
and AGLOCO never sells or rents
member information.

Sign up for AGLOCO right now! If you
use this link to sign up, I automatically
get credit for referring you and helping
to build AGLOCO.

Ephran Price

Thursday, April 5, 2007

You're About to Lose your money's Home Business Report
- Thursday, April 05, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

You're About to Lose your money.

I'm not kidding. The cost of most
Internet Home Business programs
are any where from $27 to about
$97 dollars.

You give your hard-earned dollars
to some Internet so call expert
because he's convinced you that
he can tell you how to make a
lot of money starting a home
business on the Internet.

Here's the skinny: almost all
of those are scams.

You've probably seen and now hear
dozens of them. They show you check
stubs, and daily revenues and promise
you mansions,lear jets,pools
and fast cars.

"Just send me the low one-time fee and
I'll show you how you can make $3000
every day working less than 30
minutes a day!"

Don't be discouraged though. You really
can learn how to make $1000's on
the Internet. I can recommend an
effective home base business.

The first step is finding the answer
to this question:

"Which Internet Home Business Opportunities
are scams and which ones are not?"

If you're like most people, you don't know.
The reason is because the webmasters are
so slick with their sales pitches.

There are people that are making a great
living every day from home with Internet
businesses. You probably even know some
of these people. I know several of them.

And believe me, there is absolutely no
reason why you can't have your very own
profitable Internet business yourself.

That's what you're searching for right
now, and I have good news for you.
You can! And it's not that difficult.

You see, the problem is the scammers
out there mess everything up for you.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out
most of the business opportunities
on the Internet today are scams.

Would you believe this.
More than 90% of them are designed
to take your money and leave you with
nothing, not even knowing how to get
the refund they promised.

The reason that 90% of them are scams
is because Internet Business scamming
is wildly successful.

Almost 400,000 people--people just like
you--search the Internet every day for
a way to make more money.

And there are hundreds of greedy webmasters
out there ready to grab them with flashy
websites and fool them into buying their
scam work-from-home business.

I got tired of it and I'm doing something
about it.

You don't have to guess anymore.
We have what you're looking for.

I've done some research. And I can
pretty much pick out a scam now.
I have helped people find
just the right work at home solution
for themselves.

You don't have to fall into their traps.
Before you buy into a home business
opportunity, you owe it to yourself to
find out the truth.

There are some websites that offer
legitimate Internet business models.

There are hundreds of webmasters out
there who trick people into buying
into their scam business.

At best, you have a 1 in 10 chance
to find a legitimate money making
business (because over 90% are scams).

It is incredibly easy to put together
an ebook and sell it on the Internet.
Anyone can call themselves an expert
and offer to sell you their secret
system for $$ (today only!).

Most people who buy a scam never ask
for refund. The reason is because they
don't remember how, or they get busy
and forget about it or they just lie
and just don't send you your refund.

The "rich" webmaster puts pictures of
cars, homes, yachts, pools, etc. on
their website. Do you think they really
own these? Not likely.

Testimonials are most often fabricated.
Even though this is highly illegal, no
one ever takes the time and effort to
prosecute for this kind of fraud, so
webmasters get away with it.

Your money is valuable, but your TIME
is far more valuable.

You just don't have the time to waste.
You could spend your money on that home
business ebook, but you will never get
back the time it took you to read it
and figure out that it wasn't going to

That is time that you could have spent
with your family or friends. Or, time
you could have invested in getting a
head start on a program that WILL work.

You don't have that time to waste.
Cut the crap. Get to it. Don't waste
your time or money any more.

Many of the people that come to the
Internet are ready to get started
right away.

In my own search for a great way to
work at home, I found nearly a hundred
different home business opportunities.

First I found out that, as you can
guess, most were scams (I had a lot
of opportunities to test out the
money-back guarantees!)

Next, I found that a whole lot of
them were pretty much the same thing.
For instance, there are a LOT of people
selling Pay-Per-Click strategies under
different names. Most of them are of
limited value because they are hacks
of the best ones.

They've got the right idea, and I have

no doubt that they have made the money

they say they have. But their product
is awful.

These "limited value" products were of
low quality for several reasons:
they gave skimpy information, they were
difficult to understand, used too much
jargon, offered no support, or were
reluctant to give refunds.

Several of them were fairly new to
the Internet Marketing industry.
They had jumped in, made a lot of
money and thought they could start
making more money by selling
their knowledge.

The problem is that their knowledge
is somewhat limited still.
You can tell that by reading their
work compared to the ones who have
been around a while and really
know their stuff.

There were only a few that provided
what the customer really needed:
good information and easy to understand
step-by-step instructions about how
to get started in a profitable business.

Then I ran across a live presentation
of Dr. Lant explaining World Profit.
I'm happy to say my search was over.

One of, if not the Best Home Base Business
on the Internet.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


Could you use an ADDITIONAL 10, 25, 50 or MORE checks EVERY month? Web expert shows you how!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Thursday, April 05, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price
Could you use an ADDITIONAL 10, 25, 50 or MORE
checks EVERY month? Web expert shows you how!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

Preface by the Editor. Maybe money can't buy
you love, as the Beatles famously asserted, but
it sure can help with everything else. That's why
this new report by one of the world's top marketers --
Dr. Jeffrey Lant -- comes at such a good time.

Dr. Lant is always worth listening to. He's been
telling it like it is about financial and business
development for over 30 years. However, in this report
he outdoes even himself.

After you read this article you'll say, 'Why didn't
anybody think of this before? It's so darned sensible.'
And you'll KNOW that AT LAST you have the golden
opportunity to use the Internet for your constant
benefit, putting DOZENS and DOZENS of ADDITIONAL checks
in your pocket every single month.

Now dig in, because this article will change your life.

This Is The Magic Word: 'Affiliate'

Every business in the world is looking to grow,
marketing for new customers. They understand that the
Internet is a great place to find them, and they're
willing to give you a portion of their profits if
you'll help them. Here's how it works.

You affiliate yourself with the company; (remember,
it's always free to do so.) Then the company gives
you the necessary marketing materials, including banners,
to post on your site. As you generate traffic and
sales for the company they pay you. It's the easiest
way to make money I know because you can just 'post
it and forget it.' It's as close to money without any
work as it gets.

How Do You Know Which Affiliates To Select?

The issue, of course, is selecting just the right
Affiliates, the ones your visitors will want to visit
and buy from. Select good, solid, popular companies
and you profit; select dogs and you don't. This sounds easy
but it isn't -- as people worldwide have learned by
picking the wrong affiliates and making nothing.

This is where Worldprofit and its incredible Affiliate
Center come in.

Do you have a stockbroker who helps you pick the best
stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.? If you're smart you
do. Such professionals have years of expertise and
access to information you don't. It's their job to stay
abreast of developments and advise you accordingly.
The same is true with picking Affiliates. That's
where Worldprofit's Affiliate Center comes in.

You probably already know Worldprofit. Since 1994,
Worldprofit has been on the cutting-edge of Internet
development creating dozens of sensible applications
for maximizing Web success. They brought all this expertise
to the creation and development of the Affiliate Center.

Worldprofit's professionals do what you would do if you
had the time and expertise. They review hundreds of
Affiliate programs looking for the ones that will pay
off for you consistently and for years to come. In
short, they're expert 'pickers'. As a result you get a
steady stream of money-making Affiliate recommendations,
one after another. As you get these recommendations
you decide if you want each one on your site and want to
profit from it. If you do, the Affiliate Center enables
you to post recommendations on your site in two minutes
or less.

Worldprofit selects Affiliates from top brand-name
companies, Fortune 500 companies, growth companies,
leading companies worldwide in various business niches,
in short solid businesses that will pay off for you every
single day. The goal of the Affiliate Center is to
enable you -- even if you're never made a dime online --
to tap into the world's economic power, day after day.

What's more, if you find additional Affiliates you
like, the Affiliate Center is designed so that you
can also add these to your website in just 2 minutes.

Amazing But True! The Affiliate Center Is FREE!

You might expect something so powerful and profitable as
the Worldprofit Affiliate Center to be very expensive.
It's certainly worth the money, especially given the fact
that you can get dozens of monthly checks from it for YEARS
to come. However, now due to a Special Promotion, Worldprofit
offers the Affiliate Center FREE!

This entitles you not only to post all the great Affiliate programs
you find yourself but also to ALL the Affiliate recommendations
Worldprofit has already made and will make for YEARS to come.

Just think how much all these recommendations will mean for you
and your family. Think of the DOZENS of additional checks you can
get every single month, while making the smartest, most efficient,
most lucrative use of the 'net -- all from home!

To get started, just Register now and
attend today's information-packed webcast for complete details.

If you can't attend the live webcast, after you've registered
(for free, remember) log in and attend the recorded program.

Now thanks to Worldprofit's ultra-clever Affiliate Center
you can start profiting online today and for years to come,
getting one check after another even if you are the newest
newbie with absolutely no previous Internet success.

About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant, author of 16 of the
best-known business and marketing books ever written,
is currently helping to train over 60,000 people how to
make money online, even part-time from home. Register now
to attend his programs FREE.
Be sure to log in as soon as you've registered.

Questions? Talk to me in person, directly, at 502-473-1313.

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer
