Monday, April 30, 2007

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s Home Business Report
- Monday, April 30, 2007
Publisher: Ephran Price

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler
Life Adventurer
© 2005 All Rights Reserved

I'm about to show you how you can feel great starting
right now. Sound too good to be true? Hang in … you’ve
got a pleasant surprise coming. Let's start with what
makes us feel good. Well it’s not pain, right? So that
leaves the logical opposite -– pleasure.

"Hey," I can hear you protest. “Where's the big pleasure
button in the sky that I can push to make me feel good?
Life is not the so-called bowl of cherries."

That’s a fair question. Let’s explore it together. Remember
the last time you had a really B-I-G laugh about something?
Maybe it was a funny movie, hearing a really hilarious joke,
or some unexpected life event just tickled your funny bone.

I’m not talking about a chuckle at some lame joke. I’m talking
about downright, pxx-your-pants laughter. The kind where you
slap your thighs, double-over, and tears squirt out your eyes
because you are laughting so hard.

Now that’s laughter. And do you recall how good you felt afterwards?
Know why we feel good after laughing really hard? Because intense
laughter actually gives all of our internal organs an awesome massage.
In fact, a really good gut-twisting laugh is the equivalent of 15
minutes of intense aerobics. How about that?

But you don’t have to pay $50 to get into a comedy club to get a good
laugh (although it may be worth it at times.) I’d like to share a less
expensive approach with you, because I think all of us can use a good laugh.

Get a Good Belly Laugh
OK. Our goal is to get you into a good 5-minute belly laugh. Many of us
have had laughter conditioned right out of us. But it's OK if you have to
jumpstart your laughter with a fake laugh. Yep, it’s silly alright. But
that alone is worth a laugh.

Isn’t the promise of feeling great worth feeling a little silly? Besides,
the aerobic exercise means you can skip the exercise bike today! Right?
So go ahead and start with a fake laugh if necessary. No chuckles -– laugh
as big as you can!

Here’s where some amazing things come into action.
You know how natural it is to laugh when someone
else is laughing? That's due to a natural brain response.
Well your brain is going to respond to your own fake laughter
by producing the “laughter neurochemicals” that tell you to
laugh even more.

Hang in with your fake laughter. Very soon you’ll find you've
gone from fake to genuine laughter. And this is really worth
a good laugh!

Laughter-Based Problem Solving
Now here’s where the REAL fun comes in. In the middle of your
uproarious laughter, think about a problem or something that
is bothering you. Then go ahead and laugh about it. Remind
yourself that you have survived up to this moment, and this
too shall pass. It will, you know!

Know what you've just done? You've just conditioned your
subconscious mind into linking deep pleasure and confidence
with your ability to solve your problem. You're going to have
the pleasure of feeling your attitude toward that so-called problem
shift … helping a positive solution fall into place.

Done laughing? Pull in a couple of deep breaths and appreciate the
extra flow of oxygen into your brain. You are about to have a fabulous
day -– with stress running off of you like water off a ducks back.
Quack, quack!

There you have it! A proven-effective BRAIN-SMART SECRET of how feel great
every day for the rest of your life. Do it, and you’ll get hooked.

By the way, are you aware of the huge health benefits of laughter?
Remember Norman Cousins book “Anatomy Of An Illness” in which he described
how he laughed himself free of a so-called “terminal” illness just by
watching funny movies and laughing hard?

Interestingly, we now know that laughter stimulates the flow of lymph in
your body, and pumps huge supplies of health-giving oxygen deep down into
your lungs.

About This Technique
Dr Jill's "Smash Your Limits" ecourse is today being used by thousands of
success-seekers around the world to build their success-muscles from the
inside out. Get your copy, and bootstrap yourself up to the next level
(and get a bonus FREE month in the Quantum Brain Gym.) Click here!

The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is very much a life adventurer.
Over the years she has "been there, done that" in terms of the
uccesses (and failures) life can deliver. She long ago discovered,
and is constantly reminded, that laughter is the best medicine
(Grandma was absolutely right.)

Ephran Price - President & Worldprofit Dealer


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